Today's Tip: Resume Keywords!

Gone are the days when fancy fonts and high quality paper got your resume noticed. Now it's all about keywords!

With so much of recruiting and job hunting done on line, inserting relevant keywords into your resume can move it closer to the top of the search results, and more likely to the attention of the person who could hire you. 

Adding a small summary section near the top of your first page can not only provide a convenient place to briefly outline your skills relevant to the position you are applying for, it can also give you an opportunity to insert keywords that an employer might use in a candidate search.

Good luck!

Today's Tip: Twitter!

What could be easier than logging in to your job search Twitter account to find tweets of job postings, and clicking on a link to apply?

As with your job search e-mail account, you want to create a new Twitter account that is separate from your personal one. This makes your employment tweet review time more efficient, as well as less distracting.

Step 1:  Create a new Twitter account with a professional job search name (eg. JSmithJobSearch)

Step 2:  While logged into your Twitter account, visit your favourite recruitment web sites to see if they have an option for candidates to follow them on Twitter.  Or you can search through the Twitter database for employment recruiters in your area to follow.

Step 3: Log in to your Twitter account on a regular basis to see which postings have been tweeted.

Happy job tweeting!